Deploying Office 2007 File Format Converters
Since moving our network over to Office 2007 is a lot of work, and requires a fair ammount of user retraining I decided it best to just deploy the File Format Converters Microsoft realeased so that users with Office 2003 can open 2007 format documents.
For reasoning unknown to me, Microsoft released them as an exe as opposed to an MSI so it’s a little work to get them to deploy via group policy (and ZAP is evil).
Extract FileFormatConerters.exe to somewhere useful like so:
FileFormatConverters.exe /extract:\\nwtraders.msft\SoftwareDeployment\FileFormatConverters
Once that’s done setup the software installation as per usual and then use the following WMI filter to restrict the install to systems with Office 2003 (since we don’t want to install it if they have office 2007)
SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE (Caption LIKE .Microsoft Office%2003%.)
Is there any appiclation for FileFormatConverters for Blackberry users to install on the Blackberry?
Thank you.
Hi Minghua,
Sorry, i’m not clear on the requirement. Are you wanting to open office 2007 documents on a blackberry?
If so, what device?
hey dave,
thank you very much for the manual.
How do I change the WMI-Filter that it will be installed on Office2003 AND Office2000-clients???
Hi Tobey,
You need to add an OR in, so:
SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE Caption LIKE “Microsoft Office%2003%” OR Caption LIKE “Microsoft Office%2000%”
hey Dave,
I still have a problem here,
on a few PCs I get the error message in event system:
Product: Compatibility Pack für 2007 Office System — Error 1311. Source file not found(cabinet): \\SERVERNAME\softwareverteilung$\Office\FileFormatConverters\ Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.
Do you know what there the Problem is???
Hi Tobey,
That’s unusual – What do the machines have in common?
A guess is that the office setup might not like the UNC path, can you map the drive (to say Z:) and then try the setup?