Blackberry SSH
I’ve just been implementing some Linux systems at work (Proxy, Firewall and monitoring system) and stumbled across an SSH client for Blackberry devices.
It’s really sweet, not had much chance to play with it yet but it even seems to support public key authentication. Hurray!
It is a little slow over GPRS but picks up when I get home and get EDGE (although typically I’d just use my laptop when at home..)
Deploying the Java runtime environment (J2RE)
This post will try and walk you through deploying J2RE using Group Policy Software Deployment.Firstly, download “Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6” from here, you’ll need the offline installer for this. Once downloaded, run it and an MSI will be extracted to your AppData folder, you can find it here:
%HOMEPATH%\Local Settings\Application Data\{3248F0A6-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0150060}
You then need to create an MST using Orcas and MsiTran or download mine. All you need to change if you create your own transform is change the IEXPLORER Property from 0 to 1.
Then put the MSI and MST in your distribution share and simply assign the MSI and apply the transform as you would normally and you’re done.
To goatse or not to goatse…
I’ve started to feel the brunt of various people starting to embed images on their websites which are on my server. To begin with this didn’t bother me too much, but my bandwidth this month has hit my limit (Well, my limit since on my new site. I’ve got through 1.7Tb of bandwidth before, but that’s another story)
I’ve got a huge moral dilemma. Do I goatse them? – It’d be FAR too easy for me to put in a 301 redirect and redirect their request to that certain famous image.
After some thought, I’ve decided that it’s not really the fault of the people who have to view the image, so instead anyone who hot links anything here will now just see this image.