Product Key Finder updated
After a bit of inactivity I’ve updated my product key finder with support for the following applications:
- AutoCAD
- Adobe Acrobat 6
- Adobe Acrobat 8
- Office XP
- Office XP Publisher
If anyone has any feature requests feel free to drop me a line.
Upgrading a Linksys WRT54G
For a longtime now I’ve been running a custom firmware on my wireless access point at home (OpenWRT WhireRussian) but have finally given in and upgraded to Kamikaze 7.09. I ran into some problems along the way, which I thought I’d go through in the event others come across them.
The first important thing to note is that Kamikaze does not come with a web interface by default. Once you’re up and running you can install the unstable version by doing logging in via SSH and running the following:
ipkg install
That’s assuming you’re using a WRT54G, if not you’ll need to get the one for your architecture.
The other important thing to note is that your settings will be wiped and the device will return to using an IP of
The first thing you’ll need to do is telnet in and set a root password. Once that’s done, you can setup your device using the ‘uci’ command, like so:
root@OpenWrt:~# uci show network.lan network.lan=interface network.lan.type=bridge network.lan.ifname=eth0.0 network.lan.proto=static network.lan.ipaddr= network.lan.netmask=
You can then change setting using ‘uci set network.lan.ipaddr=’. Once you’re wired ethernet is setup you’ll probably want to move onto wireless:
root@OpenWrt:~# uci show wireless wireless.wl0=wifi-device wireless.wl0.type=broadcom wireless.wl0.disabled=0 wireless.cfg2=wifi-iface wireless.cfg2.device=wl0 wireless.cfg2.mode=ap wireless.cfg2.ssid=DavesLAN wireless.cfg2.encryption=psk wireless.cfg2.key=
Set your key and SSID as you did for the wired Ethernet, and then make sure you set ‘wireless.wl0.disabled=0’ or nothing will work.
Once all your settings are in place, run ‘uci commit’ and everything should be working again.
Squid Reporting
A month or so I ditched ISA 2006 in favor of Squid 2.5 running on a Debian Linux box. I’ve looked around at various reporting tools and now use SARG to produce per user/address reports.
However, I wanted to produce a report visible to anyone who wanted to view the previous days statistics so modified a Perl script written by someone in 2003,since in all likelihood I’ll be updating it from time to time you can download yourself a copy here. I’ll try and get a demo up tomorrow as an example of its output.