Microsoft break for Squid users
It seems that Microsoft have managed to break their support site for anyone behind a Squid proxy server. Danny has posted a fix for this on his website, though for newer version of squid a slightly different approach is required.
## # Fix ## acl fixSupportMicrosoft dstdomain reply_header_access Accept-Encoding deny fixSupportMicrosoft request_header_access Accept-Encoding deny fixSupportMicrosoft
What you’re doing there is preventing the Microsoft support site from gzip’ing their content.
Squid top-site report generator updated
I got an e-mail from Marco Stefanini asking if the Perl script could sort sites by the data transfer rather than the frequency of the visits. Not wanting to disappoint I added the functionality last night and tested when I got into work today.
So, without further ado go checkout my Squid Top Site Report Generator and get yourself some reporting goodness.
System Center Essentials (SCE) SP1 error 3604
Our latest ActionPack subscription came through the other day and I noticed licenses for System Center Essentials so figured I’d give it a try. We already use WSUS to update management, so am still not toally convinced of the benefits.
Anyway, after a few problems with the initial install I went to install SP1 only for the upgrade to fail fairly early on, with the following in the setup log:
09:54: ProcessInstalls: installWSUS set. 09:54: AdjustWSUSSSL: found the wsusutil.exe at C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools\wsusutil.exe 09:54: AdjustWSUSSSL: Launching C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools\wsusutil.exe with arguments: ConfigureSsl MIOS3.immediacy.local 09:54: SetProgressScreen: Init WSUS Install progress. 09:54: statusUpdate: Resetting progress bar. 09:54: LaunchWSUS: Launching d:\temp\setup\i386\WSUSSetup.exe with arguments: /g /q DEFAULT_WEBSITE=0 PROGRESS_WINDOW_HANDLE=2818292 09:55: LaunchWSUS: Failed: Return Code 3604 09:55: LaunchWSUS: Check C:\Documents and Settings\dhope\Local Settings\Temp\1\SCEWsus for more information. 09:55: LaunchWSUS: Additional Logs may be avaiable at: C:\Program Files\Update Services\LogFiles
So, time to check the WSUSSetup.log file
2008-04-21 10:02:32 Success MWUSSetup Creating database backup... 2008-04-21 10:02:32 Error MWUSSetup ExecuteQuery: Failed to execute SQL query BACKUP DATABASE SUSDB to DISK=N'D:\WSUS\SUSDB.bak' (Error 0x80040E14) 2008-04-21 10:02:32 Error MWUSSetup ExecuteQueryGetNoResults: Failed to execute query BACKUP DATABASE SUSDB to DISK=N'%s' (Error 0x80040E14) 2008-04-21 10:02:32 Error MWUSSetup BackupDatabase: Failed to backup database (Error 0x80040E14) 2008-04-21 10:02:32 Error MWUSSetup CUpgradeDriver::PerformSetup: Failed to backup database (Error 0x80040E14) 2008-04-21 10:02:32 Error MWUSSetup CSetupDriver::LaunchSetup: Setup failed (Error 0x80040E14) 2008-04-21 10:02:32 Success MWUSSetup An error occurred while performing setup. Please refer to the error logs for details 2008-04-21 10:02:32 Error MWUSSetup DoInstall: Wsus setup failed (Error 0x80040E14)
Ahah! – What’s this, SCE SP1 seems to be trying to backup to a non existent location (D:\WSUS), simply creating the directory and giving it the relevant permissions sorted the problem and setup could then run.