Decrypting DPAPI (aspnet_setreg) stored credentials
I came across a problem at work where I needed to recover credentials that had been stored in the registry using .Net’s DPAPI (aspnet_setreg). Thankfully the open source NCrypto library came to the rescue.
Here’s a simple bit of code making use of the NCrypto.Security.Cryptography assembly to decrypt the data:
<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %> <script language="C#" runat="Server"> protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { byte[] regUsername; byte[] regPassword; string strUsername; string strPassword; Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey reg;
reg = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\NWtraders\Login\ASPNET_SETREG");
regUsername = (byte[])reg.GetValue("username"); regPassword = (byte[])reg.GetValue("password");
strUsername = Encoding.Unicode.GetString( NCrypto.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Unprotect( regUsername ) ); strPassword = Encoding.Unicode.GetString( NCrypto.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Unprotect( regPassword ) );
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write( strUsername ); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write( strPassword ); } </script>
Throw the .dll in your bin folder or GAC and you’re good to go. Make sure you’ve got access to the relevant registry keys used though.
Nice piece of code. Worked great. Thank you!
Thanks, worked great as I was in the same situation!