Automate backups of Netgear WNDAP330 & WNDPA350
As part of my ongoing battle to backup all our network devices, I’ve cobbled together a batch script to backup Netgear’s ProSafe range of access points. Save the following as Backup.bat:
@echo off REM ================================================================ REM CONFIGURATION INFO REM ================================================================ set CFGFILE=BackupList.txt set DESTDIR=C:\Backups\ set NET_USERNAME=admin set NET_PASSWORD=netgear REM ================================================================ REM STOP CHANGING HERE OR YOU'LL BREAK SOMETHING REM ================================================================ SET TIMESTAMP=%date:~-4,4%.%date:~-7,2%.%date:~-10,2% for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%A in (%CFGFILE%) do ( IF NOT EXIST "%DESTDIR%%TIMESTAMP%" mkdir "%DESTDIR%%TIMESTAMP%" > NUL echo %%B curl -s -c "%%A.cookie.txt" "http://%%B/login.php?username=%NET_USERNAME%&password=%NET_PASSWORD%" curl -s -b "%%A.cookie.txt" "http://%%B/downloadFile.php?file=config" -o "%DESTDIR%%TIMESTAMP%\%%A.cfg" IF EXIST %%A.cookie.txt del %%A.cookie.txt )
In the same directory create a TXT file named BackupList.txt. Add access points to the file that should be backed up in Name,ip address format. A sample BackupList.txt file might look like:
You’ll also need to download the windows version of cURLa list of mirrors can be found here. Place it in the same directory as the other two files.
Then run Backup.bat to backup all your Netgear ProSafe WNDAP access points.