Blackberry SSH
I’ve just been implementing some Linux systems at work (Proxy, Firewall and monitoring system) and stumbled across an SSH client for Blackberry devices.
It’s really sweet, not had much chance to play with it yet but it even seems to support public key authentication. Hurray!
It is a little slow over GPRS but picks up when I get home and get EDGE (although typically I’d just use my laptop when at home..)
I’m a pround owner of a 8310 curve.
I tryed to install the blackberry ssh client (I’m linux user since 2004) and after a clean install, when u try to connect to any of my machines I got a “tunnel” error. Any idea??
Hello. I downloaded the “Blackberry 4.x” version of MIDPSSH and when I try to connect the error message “Session error. Invalid tunnel name” always shows. What does that mean and what could I be doing wrong? Thanks.
Hi Peter,
You needto configure your APNs via Options > Advanced Options > TCP.
See the following forum post:
Is this for real, or is it true that you can’t type directly into the terminal, but you rather have to choose Input, Select, then type your text, then OK???
Have you had any problems logging into a busyboz running ssh with this blckberry app?
Can’t say I’ve tried, sorry.
there is a new SSH alternative that you might like at
I’m not sure how old this thread is; but I’ve begun work on an SSH client specifically made for blackberries. In the interim, I’ve customized midpssh to be a bit more blackberry friendly.
I have run this on BB 8800 and BB 9000. I hear that the original does not do well on the Storm, so I expect this version will not either.
Alterations from standard:
After launching and logging in:
– SYM key switches to DIRECT INPUT mode. ESC key cancels.
– In direct input mode only, clicking the trackball acts as the ESC key – invaluable for VI fans…
– In direct input mode only, the SYM key acts as the CTRL key on a standard keyboard.
These are simply changes, but they make it infinitely more usable for me. If anyone’s interested, you can grab it here:
I just wanted to say thanks for the app I’ve been missing most on by blackberry. This works great on my bold 9000. It took a little playing to find a font setting that would would be workable. The perfect thing for an emergency when I’m away from my computer!
Using the sym key to go direct is a great shortcut and using the sym/ball for ctrl & escape is brilliant.
Just another update – I have made an official fork of midpssh for Blackberry devices, called bbssh.
It can be found here:
The OTA download is available here:
(Soon the rest of the web site will be moving there as well, that’s in progress for this weekend.)
This supercedes the OTA link I posted in my earlier link, as BBSSH is much more tightly integrated with the BB platform and also has numerous usability improvements.