
Sorting your photos with Bash

In early 2009 my Buffalo Terrastation died. I replaced a faulty RAID-5 member and when rebuilding the array something went horribly wrong and I lost a lot of data. Inspired by a colleague who’d written a PowerShell script to sort some photos, I decided to write a bash script to sort all the photos stored on my Linux HTPC that I’d not got around to sorting since my data loss.

The below script will find all the JPG images in a directory and move them into a YYYY/MM/DD directory structure, preserving the original file name.


for f in $(find $cfgSource -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.nef")
        # Make sure the file we've been given by find actually exists.
        if [ -f $f ]; then
                timestamp="$(identify -format '%[exif:DateTimeOriginal]' $f)"

                # Looks like there are two possible timestamp formats in my
                # photos:
                #       2008-05-05T14:46:47.16+01:00
                #       2009:02:28 12:57:50
                # Thankfully, cut will handle both these formats.
                y=$(echo $timestamp | cut -c 1-4)
                m=$(echo $timestamp | cut -c 6-7)
                d=$(echo $timestamp | cut -c 9-10)

                destFile=$cfgDestRoot$y/$m/$d/$(basename $f)

                # If the directory doesn't exist recursively create it.
                if [ ! -d $cfgDestRoot$y/$m/$d ]; then
                        mkdir "$cfgDestRoot$y/$m/$d" -p
                # Move the file.
                if [ -f $destFile ]; then
                        # Existing file found.

                        # Is it the same file? If so, delete the file we're processing.
                        md5src=$(md5sum $f)
                        md5src=${md5src% *}
                        md5dst=$(md5sum $destFile)
                        md5dst=${md5dst% *}
                        if [ $md5src = $md5dst ]; then
                                echo "Duplicate found, discarding identical file"
                                rm $f
                                # Is this file larger than the existing one?
                                sizeSrc=$(stat -c%s $f)
                                sizeDst=$(stat -c%s $destFile)
                                if [ $sizeSrc -gt $sizeDst ]; then
                                        echo "Duplicate Found, keeping the larger file."
                                        mv $f $destFile
                                        rm $f
                        mv $f $destFile
                        echo "Moved $f to $destFile"

It’s quick to process JPG files, but will take substantially longer to process RAW files. Much quicker than sorting them by hand, enjoy.


MD5 Hash of all proxy addresses

If you haven’t heard, most of the commenting accounts on Gawker Media sites have been compromised. A copy of their database, including MD5 hashed e-mail addresses and DES hashed passwords has been published.

If like me, you’re concerned people in your organisation may have been effected here’s a quick script which will provide hashes for each proxy address your users have. You can then compare the hashes to those in the Gawker CSV published here.

function hashMd5 ($inString)
	if ($inString.Length -lt 3)
	$inString = $inString.ToLower()
	$csp = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider];
	$ha = new-object $csp
	$hashByteArray = $ha.ComputeHash($([Char[]]$inString));
	foreach ($byte in $hashByteArray) { $result += “{0:X}” -f $byte }
	$output = New-Object PsObject
	$output | Add-Member NoteProperty ProxyAddress $inString
	$output | Add-Member NoteProperty HashValue ($result)
	echo $output.ProxyAddress   $output.hashValue

Get-Mailbox | select -expand EmailAddresses | %{ hashMd5($_.SmtpAddress) }

Product Key Finder v2.2.2 released

After nearly 18 months I’m pleased to release a new version of Product Key Finder (2.2.2). Some of the major changes are as follows:

  • Recovery of license keys from external registry hives (such as those on second partitions) is now supported;
  • I’ve switched from MinGW to VC++ for better WinAPI support;
  • Better support for the Adobe CS line of products;

If you are a McAfee user, you may notice that Product Key Finder is being detected as New Malware.b. This is a false positive and can be safely ignored. If you’re a McAfee user please complain to them, not me.

Update: Version 2.2.3 has now been released, which uses VC9. VC10 was used previously which does not support Windows 2000.

You can download Product Key Finder here.